Tuesday, December 11, 2018

One cool thing

One cool thing about playing my Mixcloud playlists with the Sonos is that in the Sonos app I can click on Info & Options and it sends me to where I can click on Description and get a link to the playlist so I can find out what song and performer I'm listening to. Because, believe it or not, I often haven't the foggiest.
For example:

Click on the flickr link and voila! You get:

Of course this doesn't work at night when I'm in bed listening to music, instead of sleeping. Or when I'm trying to listen to music, but sleeping instead.

Sunday, December 09, 2018

Maybe not so final!

Maybe not so final!
For a while now I've returned to doing Mixcloud uploads—just not the same as the 1,234 I'd already done. It was becoming a bit repetitious, blogging the uploads every day, adding links—plus time-stamping. The big instigation to my return to uploading was moving my Sonos smart speaker unit upstairs beside my bed for listening while falling asleep, and often for wakeful hours in the middle of the night. It evolved that the thing I most liked listening to was a random queue of my "Eek-clectic!" cloudcasts. No bad news from NPR, no radio station playing music, not even 95wavefm I tried for a few nights. Those didn't quite cut it. What was lacking from the humongous Mixcloud listening queue were the numerous hourlong mixdisks I'd still been producing daily since ceasing to upload.
So I'm back at it, going forward with new ones—and until I work back to 1,235 (in a couple months)—adding two hours of music a day to the stockpile. Without the extra work of blogging here, finding links, performing time-stamping, it no longer gobbles up my mornings quite so much, at least not in the same way. I do share the uploads with all the places Mixcloud automatically allows (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest—and Wordpress.) Additionally, I upload screenshots of my playlists to Twitter. So that's where it's at right now—yesterday's new upload was 1564 and today's will be 1565, as well as one from earlier on (1296). The album sources for the songs can still be located at the pdf I update daily.
Kinda crazy, I know. But I like it!

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Q-Rated & Final Mixtape 1234

{un}Easy Listening: 
an autonomically-generated
daily hourlong assortment
songs and most images link to album/web source

This may be the final Mixcloud upload, but I still enjoy these thing myself. So I've continued producing them for me at least to listen to. If anyone else wants to hear them, I'm sure I could make them available. For now, the playlists are being added as updates to https://cdrummbks.wordpress.com/2018/01/04/1234-eh/.

Saturday, January 06, 2018

Q-Rated Mixtape 1233

{un}Easy Listening: 
an autonomically-generated
daily hourlong assortment
songs and most images link to album/web source

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