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Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Netflix Instant Play
Checking my Netflix queue, I notice that of the 499 movies there, 90 of them are available for Instant Play. That’s enough to keep me going for awhile, and some of them are only going to be available for a limited time -- and some of them can’t even be had in regular DVD editions yet (three of my 72 not-yet-available Saved DVDs are available for instant play now). So, I don’t think I will have any trouble finding movies to play when the Roku Netflix Player I have on order arrives (scheduled for Friday). When space in my 500-limit queue becomes available I hope to add more of the movie titles from the NY Times 1000 Greatest Movies List, as well as maybe some in Roger Ebert's Four-Star Reviews 1967-2007
(Andrews-McMeel). I bet more than a modicum of these will pop up as Instant Play candidates. But first I need to get Season Two of Rome (5 discs).