{un}Easy Listening:
an autonomically-generated
daily hourlong assortment
[with links to album/web sources]
Burial, Ghost Hardware, 0:00
Rufus Wainwright, Baby, 9:14
Bob Dylan, Golden Loom, 14:27
Rosita Quiroga, A Media Luz, 25:50
Radiohead, Optimistic, 30:57
Elvis Presley, In The Ghetto, 48:44
Linkin Park, Leave Out All The Rest (Twilight Soundtrack Version), 51:31
Linkin Park, Leave Out All The Rest (Twilight Soundtrack Version), 51:31
Weep, When I’m Wrong, 54:51
Right now there are 21,784.8 hours worth of songs on my hard drive available for DJ Clankface to pick from. A large number have been deselected: ones already played, duplications (what I’ve found), contemporary christian, spoken word, bill cosby… but still lots to pick from—way more than I’ll ever be able to actually listen to. And there’s a whole lot more still that needs to be input. In the past month I’ve added 402 hours to the mix, meanwhile randomly selecting 31 hours for random play over that month—less than one tenth of the ones being added. The choice become greater as time passes, even if my tendencies toward what to accrue are not infinite. There are certain types of music that recur more than others, for sure. But lots of it comes recommended in one way or another from somewhere, which explains the low incidence of dross—at least to my ears.
Take the regular subscription-streaming services and if you played randomly everything they have available, which is everything, you’d get a different listening experience. Let them try to figure you out based on what you click your heart on, or what you’ve actually played, or even what you’ve searched for/listened to online anywhere else at any other time, and your pleasure spot might usually be hit and you might usually be happy. This certainly applies to far more listeners than are hooked on my daily hourly output, which as far as I know faithfully only numbers one—a pleasure spot not hard to hit.